How to choose the wooden floor skirting?
 Oct 23, 2020|View:849

The wooden floor skirting plays a very important role in the decoration of the floor. Many people's flooring is very good, but in the end, because of the poor treatment of the wooden floor skirting? The overall effect of the decoration is not remarkable. so what kind of good wooden floor skirting should be chosen? 

wooden floor skirting

How to choose the wooden floor skirting?

1. According to the color of the floor, the color of the wooden floor skirting should be close to the color of the floor and slightly darker than the color of the floor. The effect displayed in this way is more beautiful and generous. This method is suitable for most users. There are also choices of color and floor completely different, so sometimes there will be unexpected effects.


2. Select the color of the wooden floor skirting according to the color of the door pocket line. The main feature of this method is that it can make the whole room have a consistent color. The color of the door pocket line is consistent with or close to the color of the door, and the color of the door is the main tone of a bedroom. I highly recommend this method. You can also consult designers, but generally, they are considering the overall style.

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