Installation of Stair Treads Dimension
 Aug 20, 2020|View:852

People are more pursuing the effect of beauty when designing and decorating their homes, and the design of stair treads dimension must also conform to the principles of ergonomics. Today, we will give you a detailed introduction to the stair treads dimension and the precautions for installing the home stair step.

Stair Treads Dimension

1. Stair Treads Dimension

The slope of the stairs (the ratio of the height and width of the stairs) is generally 20 degrees 45 degrees, and the best slope is about 30 degrees.

The width of stairs should be about 800mm, and the stairs with walls on one side should not be less than 750mm; when there are walls on both sides, it should not be less than 900mm.

The step height of domestic stairs: 165mm-225mm, otherwise, it is difficult for the elderly and children to use.

The step depth of domestic stairs: 220mm-280mm (except for the corner), otherwise, the treading area is insufficient and the sole is not stable.

The minimum vertical distance between the steps of household stairs and the top should not be less than 2.2 meters. Otherwise, when going down from the upper floor, tall people will meet or feel depressed.

The steps of domestic stairs should not be less than 3 steps. Otherwise, when people look at the head up, they can't see the steps under their feet from the angle of the eye clip, which is easy to step in the air but not safe.

When the number of steps of domestic stairs exceeds 8, a transitional rest platform must be set.

When the difference is greater than 50 mm, the walking span will be different, which will easily disrupt the pace and cause accidents.

The load-bearing data of domestic stairs must be clear, generally no less than 400kg per step. The welding and anchoring of metal materials must comply with relevant national standards.

In addition to the above basic stair treads dimension, attention must also be paid to the weight of the stairs.

2. Matters needing attention in the installation of stair treads dimension

1. The width of the stair landing shall not be less than the width of the flight, and shall not be less than 1.10 M.

2. The height of the stair handrail (measured from the front edge of the step) should not be less than 0.90M; the height of the outdoor stair handrail should not be less than 1.05M.

3. When the width of the stairwell is greater than 0.20m, the clearance of the vertical members of the handrail shall not be greater than 0.11M to prevent children from falling.

4. The width of the stairway is clearly stipulated in residential design, which must meet the requirements of a fire evacuation.

The above is the introduction to you about the stair treads dimension and the installation of household stair treads dimension.

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